When a faucet drips or the kitchen sink leaks, chances are, you’ve tried fixing the problem yourself or a helpful friend or neighbor offered to take a look. The truth is, plumbing is a lot more complicated than it seems and if you don’t want a little problem to become a big problem. You’ll turn to the professionals. If a blocked drain or a leaky pipe isn’t seen to by people who know what they’re doing, you might end up with a flooded bathroom or worse a flooded living room. The damage can be devastating. Walls, floors, and furniture all ruined. Not to mention that dirty water may contain bacteria which are a hazard to your health. Not only will Plumber badhoevedorp deal with the problem, but we will advise you how to avoid this problem in the future.
Present in Badhoevedorp in 20 minutes!

Whether you live in a house, a condo, or run a business, where it comes to properties few things are worse than a clogged drain. People have been known to plead with their toilet when they see the water rising and more than one relationship has suffered because of hair clogging the tub or sink. Fortunately, there’s no need to panic or to fight, with Plumber badhoevedorp around everything is going to be okay.
Whether it’s Monday or Sunday, four o’clock in the afternoon or three o’clock at night, the technicians of Plumber badhoevedorp will rush to your aid. They know how important smooth-running pipes are and they know how to fix any problem.

24/7 services we provide
General plumbing services
Unclogging services
Glass repair
Excellent roofing services
A 24/7 service
Drains fixing
Glazing repair
In addition to plumbing services, Plumber badhoevedor also handles glazing. Whether a broken window needs fixing, double glazing needs to be installed, or a shower needs glass doors, you can count on us to come up with the perfect solution.
Roofing repair
If your roof is leaking, a gutter is clogged or needs replacing or you would love a skylight in your study, don’t put yourself at risk by trying to be a handyman. Leave it to Plumber badhoevedorp to deal with these high-risk jobs. Not only do we have the experience and the tools to fix a leaky roof, install gutters or a skylight, we know how to do this safely. If you try to do this yourself, you might have slip and fall accident, resulting in broken bones and time off work. We, on the other hand, do this sort of work every day. Our technicians are experts in their field and will do any job to your satisfaction.
Call today 24/7 services
Don’t wait until a little problem turns into an emergency. If you see a damp spot on a wall or a puddle on the floor, call Plumber badhoevedorp and they we’ll be happy to take a look. No job is too big or too small. If everything is as it should be now, keep our number handy so if you need us we can be there right away.
With Plumber badhoevedorp around, you have peace of mind.
Plumber Badhoevedorp is also active in the next city’s, Hoofddorp, Diemen, Ouderkerk a/d Amstel, Amsterdam, Landsmeer, Amstelveen, Weesp en Zwanenburg. Plumber Badhoevedorp got a visitors place in Amsterdam.

24/7 Trusted Service
Get in Touch
Trusted service 24/7
Marnixkade 17
1015XN Amsterdam
We currently have 3 engineers and 1 installer available for you.